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About this Site

The initial version of this site was prepared by Aprile Schwartz as a class project in the Biology Department at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada. The class is Biology 4801.03B SPECIAL TOPICS, a one-semester class that Aprile took in the winter semester of 1998/99. This class provides an opportunity for 4th year students to pursue independent studies on topics of special interest. David Patriquin (Professor) and Anne Mills (Senior Instructor) were academic supervisors for the project.

Aprile Schwartz was in her final year of a 4-year Biology major program; from the beginning she was a botany enthusiast. Anne Mills was an Instructor in the department responsible for labs and student projects in the Terrestrial Diversity class (Biology 2002B), and had made many field trips to deserts in the southwest United States. David Patriquin taught a class in Agroecosystems, and gave modules on " Web Literacy " to faculty members and graduate students. Carman Mills, the greenhouse manager whose splendid care of the plants and facilities was an important factor in Paul Brunelle's contribution, also provided suggestions and assistance.

group The purpose of the project was to highlight and pay tribute to the cactus collection recently donated to the Biology Department by Paul Brunelle. We would do so by establishing a Web based, collaborative learning resource for Dalhousie students and visitors (real and virtual!).

It was agreed that Aprile would be responsible for researching and writing a general overview of the biology of Cactaceae and of a selection of representative genera in the collection. She would make use of the collection of books and journals on cacti and other succulents that had recently been contributed to the Biology Department by Paul Brunelle. She would prepare this material for a Web site. To learn some of the pertinent tools and concepts, Aprile audited a module in Web Communication which was being given to graduate students by David Patriquin. She held several meetings with Paul Brunelle at his home in Dartmouth, N.S at which he critiqued the written work and helped her to select a set of photos for the site from his collection of over 6000 slides. Web site layout and design were discussed and developed through regular meetings with Dr. Patriquin. Paul Brunelle, Anne Mills and David Patriquin further critiqued content.

In September of 1999, Aprile departed for work on a CIDA sponsored project in China. David Patriquin is maintaining the site, with ongoing input from Paul Brunelle and Anne Mills and Carman Mills.

We welcome suggestions and critique. Please send those to David Patriquin

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