Web Literacy


*Biol 2500: Web Literacy for the Natural Sciences

"Web Literacy" is defined as the ability to make critical use of the Web to access information, and to prepare documents and Web sites that make effective and appropriate use of this medium.

Web Literacy involves some core technical skills and benefits from good writing skills. This class provides formal training in the technical skills and in the application of academic standards to writing for the Web.

   *This class is not being reoffered.
   The description remains posted for archival purposes.
   -dp August, 2004


Topics include

  • HTML and XHTML
  • Unix for Management of Web Sites
  • Image Manipulation
  • Editing Tools
  • Style Sheets and Javascript
  • Multimedia Files
  • Interactivity
  • Good Design
  • Web Search Tools
  • Academic Style for the Web.

Term assignment: Students work in teams to prepare Web sites on topics in the natural sciences.

Skills Transcript: The class is a skills transcript class and you may opt to have it included in your skills transcript under the headings of

  • IT/Computer Literacy
  • Problem-Solving
  • Team Work

Assessment is based on nine quizzes (45%), a final in-class Web assignment (20%), and the term assignment (35%). Students achieving 75% or greater will be eligible for "Web TA" positions.

Instructor: D. Patriquin
Format: 3 hours per week in a computer lab plus assignments

  • Completed first year of a Science degree
  • BIOL 1000X/Y.06 or SCIE 1500X/Y.30
  • 3.30 GPA including a B in chosen writing class
Note: No formal background in Web Design or Computer Science is required.

In 2002/2003, the class is offered Wednesday evenings 6:30-9:30 in LSC 2087, in the fall semester.